RTX 2080 Ti Memory Upgrade

RTX 2080 Ti Memory Upgrade

Upgrading Your Graphics Card Memory: Boosting an Asus Strix RTX 2080 Ti from 11GB to 22GB

Hello, I'm Frazer, and welcome to Graphics Card Repairs! If you’re looking to push your graphics card to new limits, you’re in the right place. Today, we’re diving into an exciting project: upgrading the memory of an Asus Strix RTX 2080 Ti from 11GB to 22GB. This article will walk you through the highlights of this upgrade process, showcasing our expertise and the high-quality services we offer.

At Graphics Card Repairs, we specialize in upgrading memory for a wide range of graphics cards, including the Nvidia 2000 and 3000 series. This guide demonstrates our capability and precision in enhancing your GPU’s performance.

Why Upgrade Your Graphics Card Memory?

While upgrading your graphics card memory may not always be necessary for gaming, it can significantly benefit applications that require large amounts of memory, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cryptocurrency mining. Enhanced memory can lead to better performance and more efficient processing for these tasks.

The Upgrade Journey

We recently had the opportunity to upgrade an Asus Strix RTX 2080 Ti from 11GB to 22GB. Here’s a summary of how we achieved this transformation:

  1. Initial Testing: We began by verifying the card's current condition using GPU-Z to check its existing memory specifications.
  2. Disassembly: Carefully disassembling the card, we exposed the internal components and prepared for the memory upgrade.
  3. Memory Replacement: We replaced the existing 11GB Samsung memory modules with new 22GB modules, ensuring each connection was secure and precise.
  4. Configuring Memory Straps: Adjustments were made to the memory straps to ensure the system correctly recognized the new memory capacity.
  5. Final Testing: After reassembly, we conducted thorough testing using MATS and FurMark to ensure the card's stability and performance with the new memory.

Why Choose Us?

Upgrading the memory of an Asus Strix RTX 2080 Ti is a complex but rewarding process. While the increased memory might not significantly benefit gaming, it can be advantageous for specific applications like artificial intelligence or data mining.

At Graphics Card Repairs, we offer professional memory upgrade services for various graphics cards, of the Nvidia RTX 2000 series and are currently working on the RTX 3000 to be included as well. Our expertise ensures that your GPU upgrade is handled with the utmost care and precision, maximizing your card’s potential for specialized tasks.

Conclusion: Is a Memory Upgrade Right for You?

If you’re considering a memory upgrade for your graphics card, think about the specific applications you use. Enhanced memory can provide significant benefits for tasks that require large amounts of data processing power. For gamers, the benefits may be limited, but for professionals in AI, machine learning, and data mining, a memory upgrade can be a game-changer.

Contact Us

Ready to upgrade your graphics card? Visit our website to learn more about our services and get in touch with our team. Whether you’re looking to boost your card’s memory or need other repair services, Graphics Card Repairs has got you covered.

Thank you for reading, and happy upgrading!

Upgrade Video:

Asus Strix RTX 2080 Ti Memory Upgrade from 11GB to 22GB
Memory Pad Repair

Mastering Broken GPU Memory Pad Repair: A Comprehensive Guide for Graphics Card Resurrection


In this guide, I address artifact issues on a dropped RTX 3070 by repairing broken pads under the memory. Join me in exploring effective solutions.

Identifying Faulty Pads:

Discovering issues with A1, A0, and B1, I delve into lifting the memory modules to inspect and address the broken pads causing artifacts.

Microscopic Analysis:

Under the microscope, I identify broken pads on A0 and B1, assessing the damage and determining salvageable memory modules.

Memory Module Inspection:

Examining individual memory modules, I decide which are salvageable for reballing and reuse and which must be discarded due to extensive pad damage.

Repairing Broken Pads:

Engaging in intricate repair work, I skillfully restore broken pads on the motherboard, ensuring a meticulous process for reliable results.


Concluding the repair, witness the transformed graphics card. If you found this video helpful, don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe for more insightful content. Have a great day! Cheers.

The Hidden Art of Graphics Card Memory Pad and Broken Trace Repair.

Click the image above to play the Video!!

GPU Reball

Perfecting GPU Core Reballing: A Comprehensive Guide to Flawless Results


Greetings, I'm Frazer, and today's tutorial is a deep dive into the intricate art of reballing a GPU core, focusing on the RTX 3070 GPU core. This step-by-step guide aims to provide a thorough understanding of the process, offering insights from past experiences to ensure a flawless outcome. Let's embark on this journey together.


1. Setting the Stage:

Commencing with a GPU chip extracted from a motherboard, I initiate the process by generously applying flux to eliminate existing unleaded solder balls. The video's objective is to demystify the reballing process, sharing invaluable insights and detailing key techniques to guarantee success.


2. Cleaning the Chip:

Meticulous cleaning is essential, and I showcase the use of isopropyl alcohol and a copper braid. Emphasis is placed on achieving impeccably clean, flat pads, laying the foundation for a seamless reballing process. Personal struggles and lessons learned are shared, providing viewers with insights to avoid common pitfalls.


3. Aligning the Stencil:

Prior to reballing, precision in alignment is crucial. Ensuring exact matching of holes and pads beneath the GPU chip is demonstrated. This meticulous preparation is instrumental for a smooth reballing process, minimizing the likelihood of errors during application.


4. Applying Flux and Balls:

The introduction of the mechanic ad559 flux is highlighted for its reliability in reballing. The key lies in applying the right amount of flux, distributed thinly and evenly, to prevent complications during the reflow process. The significance of maintaining a continuous reflow without interruption is explained to ensure uniform heating for optimal results.


5. Reflowing with Hot Air Station:

Utilizing a Quick 857DW hot air station, I demonstrate the reflow process, maintaining a consistent temperature and preventing the flux from drying out. The importance of continuous application until the entire reflow is completed is emphasized, guarding against uneven melting and potential ball shifting.


6. Final Inspection and Cleanup:

Following a successful reballing of the GPU core, I conduct a meticulous inspection for any excess balls and ensure a clean, precise outcome. The chip is then prepared for an ultrasonic cleaner to remove residual flux, ensuring it is ready for seamless reinstallation.



In this comprehensive tutorial, I share expertise on reballing a GPU core without errors. Every step, from initial flux application to meticulous alignment and continuous reflow, is explored in detail. If you've encountered challenges in reballing, this video is tailored to equip you with the tricks and techniques needed to achieve success on the first attempt. Don't forget to hit the like button if you found this video helpful. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Have a fantastic day! Cheers.

Master The Art of GPU Core Reballing: The Ultimate Tutorial for Error-Free Repairs.


Click on the Image above to play the video!!

Mastering GDDR6 Memory Chip Reballing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Master The Art of Memory Reball - Reball any GDDR5, GDDR6 or GDDR6X like a pro



Embark on a journey into the heart of GPU repairs with my debut video at Graphic Card Repairs. As a seasoned system administrator, I wear multiple hats, supporting two companies and dedicating three days each week to graphic card repairs. Join me as I demystify the seemingly complex process of reballing a GDDR6 memory chip extracted from a 6800 XT, using a basic yet effective setup.

Setting the Stage:

Let's start by exploring my workspace, a simple setup with an overhead camera providing a crystal-clear view of my work area. My role involves supporting two companies, and three days a week are dedicated to the intricate world of graphic card repairs. While this video focuses on a straightforward process, stay tuned for more complex repairs in future content.

Tools of the Trade:

Now, let me walk you through the essential tools at my disposal—a preheater, two microscopes serving different purposes, and two soldering irons. I'll discuss my choice of flux, showcasing both a genuine Mechanic 559 and a Chinese alternative from Mtech. Flux is a critical element in reballing processes, and I'll emphasize its effectiveness in preventing burning out during repairs.

The Reballing Process:

Now, let's delve into the core of the video—the reballing process. Follow me as I meticulously detail each step, starting with the cleaning of the GDDR6 memory chip. I'll explain my choice of braids for different-sized chips and demonstrate how to cut a thin layer for optimal cleaning. I emphasize the importance of using lead-free solder for the reballing process.

Flux Application and Ball Placement:

Watch as I introduce the flux application using a syringe, explaining my preference for a specific flux's efficiency. I'll employ a 0.45mm leaded ball for the reballing, carefully placing them on the memory chip. Despite minor challenges with a few missing balls, my steady hand prevails as I successfully complete the placement.

Soldering with Hot Air Stations:

The video progresses to the soldering phase, where I utilize two hot air stations—an Atten 862D and a Quick 857DW. I'll activate the flux, adjust the air temperature, and expertly guide the hot air nozzle over the chip, allowing the solder balls to melt and settle into place. Witness the final touches as I ensure the balls adhere to the pads beneath.

Final Touches and Cleanup:

With the reballing complete, I'll inspect the chip, noting the cleanliness achieved with the chosen flux. While expressing the unnecessary but planned ultrasonic cleaning, I'll affirm the effectiveness of the process, showcasing the final, restored GDDR6 memory chip.


In this comprehensive video, I've provided a beginner-friendly guide to reballing a GDDR6 memory chip. From setting up the workspace to choosing the right tools and demonstrating the reballing process, viewers gain valuable insights into a critical aspect of graphic card repairs. If you're looking to enhance your repair skills or delve into the world of GPU maintenance, this tutorial is a must-watch. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more insightful content from Graphic Card Repairs.

Expert GPU Repair Services by Frazer at Graphics Card Repairs

Welcome to Graphics Card Repairs

Graphics Card Repairs, operated solely by Frazer, your dedicated GPU repair technician, is your trusted destination for top-tier GPU repair services in Dubai and throughout the UAE. Specializing in diagnosing and fixing a wide range of graphics card issues, I ensure that your gaming and professional experiences remain seamless. In this article, we will explore the comprehensive GPU repair services, shed light on common graphics card problems, and provide valuable insights into the repair process.

Why Graphics Card Repairs?

1. Personalized Expertise:

As the sole technician at Graphics Card Repairs, I bring a personalized touch to every repair. With years of hands-on experience repairing both Nvidia and AMD graphics cards, I possesses the skills and knowledge needed to tackle complex GPU issues.

2. Swift Turnaround Time:

Time is of the essence, especially when it comes to GPU repairs. The commitment to a swift turnaround time ensures that you get your graphics card back in operation without unnecessary delays.

3. Nationwide Reach:

Although based in Dubai, Graphics Card Repairs extends its services across the entire UAE. Whether you're in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, or any other emirate, I provides nationwide pick-up and delivery services, making accessing expertise convenient.

  • Nationwide Pick-Up and Delivery:
    • For your convenience, Graphics Card Repairs offers nationwide pick-up and delivery services. Whether you're in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or any other emirate, I will arrange for pickup and delivery of your graphics card for a small fee.

4. Educational YouTube Channel:

Explore my YouTube channel at GraphicsCardRepairs YouTube for a closer look at my repair process, showcase of work, and educational content designed to help you understand and address GPU-related issues.

Common GPU Issues and Solutions:

1. Overheating Woes:

Overheating is a common concern for gamers and professionals pushing their graphics cards to the limits. I excels at diagnosing overheating issues and implementing effective cooling solutions to prevent long-term damage.

2. No Display Problems:

A blank screen can be a gamer's nightmare. Graphics Card Repairs specializes in identifying the root causes of no display issues, ranging from faulty connections to more complex hardware failures.

3. Artifacts and Distorted Graphics:

Artifacts and distorted graphics can be symptoms of a failing graphics card. My comprehensive diagnostic tools and expertise allow for pinpointing the issue and providing reliable solutions.

Dive Into Our Repair Process:

1. Initial Contact:

Initiate the repair process by filling in the FORM, or contacting me via email at support@graphicscardrepairs.com. I will personally guide you through the initial steps, including diagnosis and assessment.

2. Nationwide Pick-Up:

For your convenience, Graphics Card Repairs offers nationwide pick-up services. Whether you're in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or any other emirate, I will arrange for pickup and delivery of your graphics card for a small fee.

3. Expert Repair Services:

As the sole technician, I personally handle all repairs, implementing the necessary fixes to address the identified issues. From component replacements to soldering, I have the expertise to handle it all.

4. Thorough Testing:

Quality assurance is crucial. Before returning your graphics card, Graphics Card Repairs conducts thorough testing to ensure that all issues have been resolved, and your GPU is performing at its best.

5. Nationwide Delivery:

Once the repair is complete, I will arrange for nationwide delivery to return your graphics card to your doorstep for a fee.

Educational Insights from Our YouTube Channel:

Explore our YouTube Channel, for detailed repair showcases, educational content, and valuable insights into GPU-related topics. Subscribe to stay updated on the latest in graphics card technology and repair techniques.

Serving the GCC: Accepting Repairs from Across the Region

While based in Dubai, Graphics Card Repairs services extend to customers across the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Whether you're in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, or Qatar, you can trust Graphics Card Repairs for reliable and professional GPU repair services.

Conclusion: Trust Frazer to Bring Your Graphics Back to Life

Graphics Card Repairs, operated solely by Frazer, is not just a repair service, it's a personalized experience. Trust Frazer with your GPU repair needs and experience the difference of working with a dedicated professional who prioritizes your satisfaction.

For a personal visual journey through the repair process and valuable insights into GPU-related topics, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Contact me today, and let's bring your graphics back to life!

Website: GraphicsCardRepairs.com
Email: support@graphicscardrepairs.com

Proper Installation and Transportation of Graphics Cards

Ensuring Longevity and Performance: Proper Installation and Transportation of Graphics Cards


Graphics cards have witnessed remarkable advancements over the years, with improved cooling systems and increased power. However, these advancements have brought about new challenges, particularly in terms of weight and stress on the graphics card printed circuit board (PCB). Without proper installation and transportation precautions, users may encounter issues such as cracked PCBs, display failures, and other related problems. This article aims to shed light on the causes behind these issues and provide practical solutions to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of graphics cards.

Installation and Transportation of Graphics Cards

I. Understanding the Problem: Heavy Coolers and PCB Stress


1.1 The Evolution of Graphics Card Cooling Systems

From modest cooling solutions to sophisticated thermal designs, graphics card cooling systems have evolved significantly. The shift towards larger coolers has resulted in improved heat dissipation and enhanced performance.


1.2 The Impact of Heavy Coolers on PCBs

While larger coolers are effective in managing heat, they also add considerable weight to graphics cards. When installed horizontally, this weight puts significant downward pressure on the graphics card PCB, leading to potential damage over time.


1.3 Common Issues Arising from Improper Installation and Transportation of Graphics Cards.

Improper installation and transportation can exacerbate the stress on graphics card PCBs. Users frequently encounter issues such as cracked PCBs, disrupted connections, and display failures, rendering their graphics cards dysfunctional.


II. The Significance of Proper Installation


2.1 Mounting Graphics Cards Vertically

Vertical mounting is an ideal solution to address the stress caused by heavy coolers. By mounting the graphics card vertically, the weight is distributed more evenly, reducing the strain on the PCB. This method ensures optimal performance and longevity.


2.2 The Role of Support Brackets for Horizontal Installation

In cases where vertical mounting is not possible, horizontal installation requires additional support to mitigate the stress on the PCB. Support brackets provide essential reinforcement, preventing the graphics card from sagging and reducing the risk of PCB damage.


2.3 Ensuring a Secure Connection: Installation Best Practices

Proper installation techniques are crucial for maintaining a secure connection between the graphics card and the motherboard. This includes ensuring proper alignment, firmly securing the card in the PCIe slot, and fastening screws tightly. Active vigilance during installation enhances stability and reduces the likelihood of future issues.



III. Transportation Precautions


3.1 The Dangers of Transporting a Computer with an Installed Graphics Card

Transporting a computer with a graphics card installed poses significant risks. Vibrations, impacts, and movements during transportation can strain the PCB, potentially causing damage that manifests as display failures or other issues upon arrival.


3.2 Uninstalling the Graphics Card: A Vital Step for Safe Transportation

To mitigate the risk of damage during transportation, it is crucial to remove the graphics card from the computer. By carefully uninstalling the graphics card and securely packaging it separately, users can safeguard their investment and ensure its safe arrival at the destination.


3.3 Securing the Graphics Card during Transport

When transporting a graphics card, it is essential to use appropriate packaging materials and secure it to prevent any movement or impact. Anti-static bags, foam inserts, and sturdy boxes provide the necessary protection to keep the graphics card intact during transit.


IV. Practical Solutions for Longevity and Performance


4.1 Vertical Mounting: The Ideal Solution for Heavier Graphics Cards

For graphics cards with substantial coolers, vertical mounting is the most effective method to distribute weight evenly and reduce stress on the PCB. Vertical GPU mounts or cases designed specifically for vertical installation offer optimal support and cooling benefits.


4.2 Using Support Brackets: Protection for Horizontal Installations

In cases where vertical mounting is not possible, support brackets play a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of the graphics card.


These brackets help counteract sagging, ensuring the PCB remains intact and protects against damage.


4.3 Proper Handling and Transportation: Ensuring Graphics Card Integrity

When handling and transporting a computer, it is essential to exercise caution and prioritize the protection of the graphics card. This includes avoiding sudden movements, securing the case or packaging properly, and considering the use of shock-absorbing materials to minimize potential damage.


V. Conclusion

In conclusion, as graphics cards continue to evolve, it is essential to adapt our installation and transportation practices to accommodate these advancements. The weight of modern graphics card coolers places substantial stress on the PCB, leading to cracked PCBs, display failures, and other related issues. By implementing simple yet effective measures such as vertical mounting, utilizing support brackets, and ensuring proper handling during transportation, users can protect their graphics cards and extend their lifespan. Prioritizing these precautions will not only prevent hardware damage but also enhance the overall performance and reliability of the graphics card, allowing users to fully enjoy their computing experiences for years to come.


Safeguarding Your Zotac 3060 and 3060 Ti from Failure of Not Detected


Graphics cards have become an integral component in modern computer systems, powering immersive gaming experiences, demanding graphical applications, and resource-intensive tasks. However, some models, such as the Zotac 3060 and 3060 Ti, have been plagued by a known issue that can lead to failure under load. At Graphics Card Repairs, we have successfully addressed this issue and developed a comprehensive solution to safeguard these GPUs. In this article, we will explore how Graphics Card Repairs can help protect your Zotac 3060 and 3060 Ti, ensuring their longevity and optimal performance.


I. Understanding the Issue:

1.1 The Shorting Capacitor and Blown PCB Trace:

- Under heavy load, a capacitor on the 12-volt rail of Zotac 3060 and 3060 Ti graphics cards can be short.

- This short circuit can cause a trace on the PCB to blow, leading to the card not being detected by the computer.


1.2 Consequences for the Memory VRMs MOSFETs:

- The affected rail supplies voltage to the memory VRMs MOSFETs, crucial components for stable operation.

- The failure of this rail can result in system instability, crashes, and potential damage to the graphics card.


II. Graphics Card Repairs Solution:

2.1 Identifying and Addressing the Root Cause:

- At Graphics Card Repairs, our experienced technicians diagnose the issue by inspecting the affected components and PCB.

- We locate the shorted capacitor and the blown trace, identifying the exact cause of the failure.


2.2 Repairing and Replacing Faulty Components:

- Our repair process involves replacing the shorted capacitor with a high-quality component to restore functionality.

- We carefully clean the blown trace on the PCB, ensuring the integrity of the electrical connections.

- Additionally, we replace any damaged or compromised components, such as MOSFETs or related circuitry, to prevent future failures.


2.3 Implementing Protective Measures:

- Graphics Card Repairs go beyond just fixing the immediate issue.

- We take proactive steps to safeguard your Zotac 3060 and 3060 Ti from potential future failures.

- By adding fuses to the PCB, we provide an additional layer of protection against voltage spikes and electrical abnormalities.


III. Benefits of Graphics Card Repairs:

3.1 Ensuring Longevity and Reliability:

- Our repair service extends the lifespan of your Zotac 3060 and 3060 Ti graphics cards, allowing you to enjoy the uninterrupted performance.

- By addressing the root cause of the failure and implementing protective measures, we minimize the risk of future issues.


3.2 Cost-Effectiveness and Environmental Impact:

- Repairing your graphics card with Graphics Card Repairs is a cost-effective alternative to purchasing a new GPU.

- By choosing repair over replacement, you contribute to reducing electronic waste and promoting sustainability.


3.3 Professional Expertise and Reliable Service:

- Our technicians possess extensive knowledge and expertise in graphics card repairs.

- With years of experience and state-of-the-art equipment, we ensure reliable and high-quality repairs.



Graphics Card Repairs understands the frustration and inconvenience caused by the known issue affecting Zotac 3060 and 3060 Ti graphics cards. Our comprehensive solution not only resolves the immediate problem but also provides long-term protection. By replacing the shorted capacitor, repairing the blown trace, and implementing fuses on the PCB, we ensure the safety and optimal performance of your graphics card.

Trust Graphics Card Repairs to safeguard your Zotac 3060 and 3060 Ti, and enjoy uninterrupted gaming and graphical experiences without worrying about unexpected failures.


Restoring XFX RX 6800XT Graphics Cards: Expert Repairs for Not Detected and No Fan Spin.

Graphics Card Repairs: XFX RX 6800XT Not Detected And No Fan Spin



The XFX RX 6800XT is a powerful graphics card that has gained popularity among gamers and cryptocurrency miners alike. However, a recurring issue has been observed with this card under heavy load during prolonged mining sessions. Specifically, the 0R resistor on the 12V line connected to the single SOC rail in XFX RX 6800XT cards tends to burn out, resulting in the graphics card not being detected and the fans failing to spin.

At Graphics Card Repairs, we have successfully fixed this issue on multiple XFX RX 6800XT cards used for mining. In this article, we will explore how our repair services can help resolve this problem effectively and get your graphics card up and running again.


Understanding the XFX RX 6800XT Mining Issue


Before delving into the repair process, it's essential to grasp the root cause of the problem with the XFX RX 6800XT cards used for mining. Under heavy load, the 0R resistor on the 12V line connected to the single SOC rail in XFX RX 6800XT cards tends to burn out, resulting in the graphics card not being detected and the fans failing to spin. This issue appears to be more prevalent in mining scenarios than during regular gaming usage.


The Role of Graphics Card Repairs


At Graphics Card Repairs, we specialize in diagnosing and fixing various issues affecting graphics cards. Our team of skilled technicians has extensive experience in dealing with the XFX RX 6800XT mining issue.

When you bring your faulty graphics card to us, we perform a thorough inspection to identify the specific component that needs repair or replacement. In the case of the XFX RX 6800XT, our expertise enables us to pinpoint the burnt 0R resistor on the 12V line connected to the single SOC rail as the primary culprit.


Repairing the XFX RX 6800XT Mining Issue


Once we have identified the burnt 0R resistor as the cause of the problem, our technicians proceed with the repair process. The first step involves carefully removing the damaged 0R resistor from the single SOC rail on the 12V line in the XFX RX 6800XT graphics card. Our technicians exercise caution to avoid any additional damage to the surrounding components.

After removing the burnt resistor, we meticulously select a replacement resistor with the appropriate specifications. We ensure that the new resistor can handle the current load without overheating or burning out, taking into account the single SOC rail design of the XFX RX 6800XT.

The next step is to solder the replacement resistor onto the board, precisely reconnecting it to the 12V line on the single SOC rail. Our technicians utilize high-quality soldering equipment and techniques to ensure a secure and reliable connection.

Once the repair is complete, we perform comprehensive tests to verify the functionality of the graphics card. This includes rigorous stress testing to ensure that the new resistor, designed for the single SOC rail, can withstand heavy loads without any issues.

Our quality assurance process guarantees that your repaired XFX RX 6800XT card will operate optimally, even under demanding mining conditions.


Preventive Measures and Recommendations


While we excel at repairing the XFX RX 6800XT mining issue, we also emphasize the importance of preventive measures to minimize the likelihood of recurrence. Here are some recommendations we offer to our customers:

  1. Proper Cooling: Ensure that your graphics card is adequately cooled during mining sessions. This can be achieved by using quality aftermarket cooling solutions or maintaining optimal airflow within your mining rig.
  2. Undervolting and Underclocking: Consider undervolting and underclocking your graphics card to reduce power consumption and heat generation.

These measures can help alleviate stress on the components, including the 0R resistor on the 12V line connected to the single SOC rail.

  1. Periodic Maintenance: Regularly inspect and clean your graphics card to remove dust and debris that can impede proper cooling. Additionally, monitoring temperature levels and power consumption during mining sessions can help identify any anomalies before they escalate.




At Graphics Card Repairs, we are dedicated to resolving the XFX RX 6800XT mining issue and restoring your graphics card to its optimal state. Our expertise in diagnosing and repairing this specific problem ensures that your card will be back in action, providing reliable performance for both gaming and mining purposes.

By addressing the issue with the single SOC rail design of the XFX RX 6800XT graphics card, we ensure that the repaired card will function reliably, providing stability and performance during mining operations.

By following our preventive measures and recommendations, you can enhance the longevity of your graphics card and minimize the chances of encountering similar issues in the future. Trust us to handle your graphics card repairs professionally and efficiently, and experience the difference we can make in resolving the XFX RX 6800XT mining issue.

XFX Merc RX 6800 XT  - Not Detected and No Fan Spinning - Fix
AMD RX 7600

AMD RX 7600 Affordable GPU for 1080p Gaming

AMD RX 7600: Affordable GPU for 1080p Gaming

If you are looking for a new graphics card that can handle the latest games and applications without breaking the bank, you might want to consider the AMD RX 7600. This is a mid-range GPU that offers impressive performance and features for its price point. In this article, we will review the AMD RX 7600 in detail, covering its specifications, benchmarks, advantages, and disadvantages. We will also compare it with some of its competitors and see how it stacks up against them. By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of whether the AMD RX 7600 is the right GPU for you.

What is the AMD RX 7600?

The AMD RX 7600 is a graphics card that belongs to the Radeon RX 7000 series, which is based on the RDNA 3 architecture. This is the third generation of AMD's gaming-focused GPU architecture, which promises significant improvements in performance, efficiency, and features over the previous generation. The RX 7600 is one of the lower-end models in the series, but it still packs a punch for its price range.


The AMD RX 7600 has the following specifications:

  • GPU: Navi 33
  • Process: 5 nm
  • Compute Units: 32
  • Stream Processors: 2048
  • Ray Accelerators: 32
  • Base Clock: 1720 MHz
  • Boost Clock: 2655 MHz
  • Memory: 8 GB GDDR6
  • Memory Bus: 128-bit
  • Memory Bandwidth: 288 GB/s
  • TDP: 165 W
  • Power Connectors: 1 x 8-pin
  • Display Outputs: 1 x HDMI 2.1a, 3 x DisplayPort 2.1
  • Price: $269 USD


To get a sense of how the AMD RX 7600 performs in real-world scenarios, we can look at some benchmarks from various sources. Here are some examples of how the RX 7600 fares in popular games and applications at 1080p resolution and high settings:

  • Cyberpunk 2077: 60 FPS (with ray tracing off), 40 FPS (with ray tracing on)
  • Red Dead Redemption 2: 75 FPS
  • Assassin's Creed Valhalla: 68 FPS
  • Doom Eternal: 144 FPS
  • Fortnite: 120 FPS (with ray tracing off), 80 FPS (with ray tracing on)
  • Adobe Premiere Pro: Renders a 4K video in 15 minutes
  • Blender: Renders a complex scene in 12 minutes

As you can see, the AMD RX 7600 delivers solid performance in most games and applications, especially at 1080p resolution. It can also handle ray tracing, which is a feature that simulates realistic lighting and reflections in games. However, ray tracing does come at a cost of lower frame rates, so you might want to turn it off or lower the settings if you prefer smoother gameplay.

What are the advantages of the AMD RX 7600?

The AMD RX 7600 has several advantages that make it an attractive option for gamers and content creators. Here are some of them:

Affordable Price

The AMD RX 7600 has a suggested retail price of $269 USD, which is quite reasonable for its performance level. Compared to its competitors, such as the Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti ($399 USD) and the Nvidia RTX 3070 ($499 USD), the RX 7600 offers a better value proposition for budget-conscious buyers. You can save up to $230 USD by choosing the RX 7600 over the RTX 3070, which is enough to buy a decent monitor or keyboard.

Power Efficiency

The AMD RX 7600 has a thermal design power (TDP) of 150 W, which means it consumes less power than its rivals. The Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti has a TDP of 200 W, while the Nvidia RTX 3070 has a TDP of 220 W. This means that the RX 7600 will generate less heat and noise, and require a less powerful power supply unit (PSU) to run. You can save money and energy by opting for the RX 7600 over its competitors.

FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR)

The AMD RX 7600 supports FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR), which is a feature that boosts frame rates by rendering games at a lower resolution and then upscaling them to a higher one using an advanced algorithm. FSR can improve performance by up to 2.4 times without sacrificing much visual quality. It also works with any game that supports dynamic resolution scaling (DRS), which means you don't need to wait for developers to implement it in their games. FSR can give you an edge over your opponents in competitive games or enhance your immersion in single-player games.

What are the disadvantages of the AMD RX 7600?

The AMD RX 7600 is not without its drawbacks. Here are some of them:

Limited Memory Bandwidth

The AMD RX 7600 has a memory bus width of 128-bit, which is half of what its competitors have. The memory bus width determines how much data can be transferred between the GPU and its memory per cycle. A wider memory bus means more bandwidth, which translates to faster performance in memory-intensive tasks such as high-resolution gaming or video editing. The RX 7600 has a memory bandwidth of 256 GB/s, while the RTX 3060 Ti has a memory bandwidth of 448 GB/s and the RTX 3070 has a memory bandwidth of 448 GB/s. This means that the RX 7600 might struggle to keep up with its rivals in scenarios where memory bandwidth matters.

Inferior Ray Tracing Performance

The AMD RX 7600 has fewer ray accelerators than its competitors. Ray accelerators are specialized units that handle ray tracing calculations on the GPU. Ray tracing is a feature that simulates realistic lighting and reflections in games, but it also requires a lot of computational power to run smoothly. The RX 7600 has 32 ray accelerators, while the RTX 3060 Ti has 38 ray accelerators and the RTX 3070 has 46 ray accelerators. This means that the RX 7600 will perform worse than its rivals in games that support ray tracing, especially at higher settings and resolutions.

Lack of DLSS Support

The AMD RX 7600 does not support DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling), which is a feature that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to upscale low-resolution images to high-resolution ones with minimal loss of quality. DLSS can improve performance by up to four times in some games that support it, such as Cyberpunk 2077 or Control. It is exclusive to Nvidia GPUs, so you won't be able to enjoy it if you choose the RX 7600.

Comparison to Nvidia RTX 4060

The RX 7600's main competition comes from Nvidia's RTX 4060, which is priced at $299 and targets the 1080p gaming market as well scheduled to launch in July 2023. Both cards are equipped with 8 GB of VRAM, but the RX 7600 has a slight edge in terms of price.

However, some gamers have expressed concerns about the value of 8 GB graphics cards in the face of increasingly demanding games that push the limits of GPU memory. A bump in VRAM to 12 GB would have provided better longevity, but considering the affordable price point of the RX 7600, it is hard to complain.

AIB Partner Cards and Availability

Several AIB partners, including Gigabyte, Sapphire, XFX, PowerColor, MSI, and ASRock, have released their custom Radeon RX 7600 models. These cards are currently available at retailers like MicroCenter and Best Buy in the United States. Most models start at AMD's updated MSRP of 269.99 up to 309.99.

Gigabyte Radeon RX 7600 8GB

Gigabyte's RX 7600 model features a factory overclocked triple-fan Gaming card with black and silver accents, similar to its other "Gaming" branded graphics cards.

Sapphire Radeon RX 7600 8GB

Sapphire offers a single RX 7600 SKU, the Pulse with two fans and a red and black paint scheme.

XFX Radeon RX 7600 8GB

XFX has two RX 7600 models: the triple-fan QICK308 and the dual-fan SWFT210. Both cards have stealthy matte black finishes.

MSI Radeon RX 7600 8GB

MSI's RX 7600 model is the compact dual-fan Mech 2X with a black and silver theme.

ASRock Radeon RX 7600 8GB

ASRock offers two RX 7600 models: the triple-fan Phantom Gaming OC and the dual-fan Challenger OC.

PowerColor Radeon RX 7600 8GB

PowerColor's RX 7600 model features a compact dual-fan design with exposed copper heat pipes.


The AMD RX 7600 is a powerful and affordable GPU that can handle most games and applications at 1080p resolution and high settings. It also offers some advantages over its competitors, such as lower power consumption, FSR support, and better value for money. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as limited memory bandwidth, inferior ray tracing performance, and lack of DLSS support. Therefore, you should weigh your needs and preferences before deciding whether to buy it or not.

If you are looking for a GPU that can run games at higher resolutions or with more advanced features, you might want to consider other options, such as the Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti or the Nvidia RTX 3070. These GPUs offer more performance and features than the AMD RX 7600, but they also cost more and consume more power. You should also check your system requirements and compatibility before buying any GPU, as different GPUs have different dimensions, power connectors, and display outputs.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about the AMD RX 7600 and whether it is suitable for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below. Thank you for reading!



Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti: For 1080p Gaming

Nvidia has recently announced the RTX 4060 Ti, a new GPU based on the Ada Lovelace architecture that offers excellent performance at 1080p resolution with ray tracing and high settings. The RTX 4060 Ti is part of the GeForce RTX 40 series, which features new technologies like Shader Execution Reordering and DLSS 3. In this article, we will review the specifications, features, performance, and price of the RTX 4060 Ti, and compare it with some of its competitors in the market, such as the RTX 3060 Ti and the AMD RX 6700 XT.

Specifications and Features

The RTX 4060 Ti comes in two variants: an 8GB version and a 16GB version. Both have the same core specifications, except for the memory size and bandwidth. Here is a table that summarizes the key specs of the RTX 4060 Ti:


| Specification | RTX 4060 Ti (8GB) | RTX 4060 Ti (16GB) |
| CUDA Cores | 4352 | 4352 |
| Boost Clock | 2535 MHz | 2535 MHz |
| Memory Size | 8 GB GDDR6 | 16 GB GDDR6 |
| Memory Bus | 128-bit | 128-bit |
| Memory Speed | 14 Gbps | 14 Gbps |
| Memory Bandwidth | 288 GB/s | 288 GB/s |
| TDP | 160 W | 165 W |


This card is based on the Nvidia Ada Lovelace architecture, which is designed to deliver unprecedented leaps in power efficiency, performance, and technology. The Ada architecture features new streaming multiprocessors that are up to 2X faster and more power-efficient than the previous generation. It also introduces fourth-gen Tensor Cores that enable DLSS 3, a revolutionary AI-powered technology that boosts frame rates by up to 4X compared to brute-force rendering. Additionally, the Ada architecture has third-gen RT Cores that are up to 2X faster at ray tracing, which simulates realistic lighting effects in games.

Another new feature of the Ada architecture is Shader Execution Reordering, which optimizes the order of shader instructions to reduce stalls and improve performance. This feature is especially beneficial for games that use complex shaders, such as Cyberpunk 2077 and Control.

The RTX 4060 Ti also supports other Nvidia technologies, such as Reflex, which reduces system latency and improves responsiveness in competitive games; Broadcast, which enhances your voice and video quality with AI; Studio, which accelerates your creative workflow with dedicated hardware and drivers; and GeForce Experience, which lets you capture and share your gameplay moments with ease.

Performance and Benchmarks

The RTX 4060 Ti is designed to deliver excellent performance at 1080p resolution with high settings and ray tracing enabled. According to Nvidia's benchmarks, the RTX 4060 Ti (8GB) is up to 2.6X faster than the RTX 2060 SUPER and the RTX 3060 Ti in popular games like Dying Light 2 Stay Human, Returnal, and Warhammer 40,000: Darktide. The performance gap is even wider when DLSS 3 is activated, which uses AI to generate additional high-quality frames.

Here are some examples of how the RTX 4060 Ti (8GB) performs in various games at 1080p with the highest settings and ray tracing on:


  • Dying Light 2 Stay Human: 119 FPS with DLSS Quality Mode
  • Returnal: 113 FPS with DLSS Quality Mode
  • Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: 101 FPS with DLSS Quality Mode
  • Cyberpunk 2077: 67 FPS with DLSS Quality Mode
  • Control: 65 FPS with DLSS Quality Mode
  • Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition: 63 FPS with DLSS Quality Mode

In most games, both versions of the RTX 4060 Ti (8GB and 16GB) will deliver the same level of performance, because the specs are otherwise identical. However, there are a handful of games that require more memory for optimal performance at ultra settings, such as Red Dead Redemption II, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Watch Dogs: Legion. In these cases, the RTX 4060 Ti (16GB) will have an advantage over the RTX 4060 Ti (8GB), as well as over other GPUs with less memory.


Price and Availability

The RTX 4060 Ti (8 GB) will be available from May 24th, starting at $399. The 16 GB version will be available in July, starting at $499. The RTX 4060 will also be available in July, starting at $299. You can sign up for notifications on Nvidia’s website4 to get updates on the availability of these GPUs.

The RTX 3060 Ti was launched in December 2021, with a suggested retail price of $399. However, due to the global chip shortage and high demand, the actual prices of the RTX 3060 Ti have been much higher than the MSRP, ranging from $600 to over $1000 on various online retailers. It is unclear when the supply and demand situation will improve for the RTX 3060 Ti and other GPUs.

Comparison and Conclusion

The RTX 4060 Ti and the RX 6700 XT are both excellent choices for 1080p gaming, with ray tracing and high settings. However, depending on your preferences and budget, you might find one of them more suitable for your needs.

The RX 6700 XT has some advantages over the RTX 4060 Ti, such as:

  • More VRAM (12 GB) for games that require more memory at ultra settings
  • Higher memory bandwidth (384 GB/s) for faster data transfer
  • Lower Launch MSRP ($479) than the RTX 4060 Ti (16GB) ($499). (At the time of writing priced at $320).

The RTX 4060 Ti has several advantages over the RX 6700 XT, such as:

  • Higher performance in most games, especially with DLSS 3 enabled.
  • Better ray tracing performance and quality.
  • Lower power consumption and heat output.
  • More features and technologies, such as Reflex, Broadcast, Studio, and GeForce Experience.
  • More memory options (8GB or 16GB).

How does the RTX 4060 Ti compare to another GPU from Nvidia

The RTX 3060 Ti has more CUDA cores (4864) than the RTX 4060 Ti (4352), but lower clock speeds (1410 MHz base and 1665 MHz boost) than the RTX 4060 Ti (2310 MHz base and 2535 MHz boost). This graphics card also uses the same GDDR6 memory with a wider memory bus (256-bit) than the RTX 4060 Ti’s GDDR6 memory (14 Gbps) with a narrower memory bus (128-bit).


In terms of performance, the RTX 4060 Ti outperforms the RTX 3060 Ti in most games, especially when ray tracing and DLSS are enabled. According to various benchmarks, the RTX 4060 Ti can achieve higher frame rates than the RTX 3060 Ti by up to 30% in some titles but on average performs 9% better at 1080p. For example, in Cyberpunk 2077 at 1080p with ultra settings and ray tracing on, the RTX 4060 Ti can reach 67 FPS with DLSS quality mode, while the RTX 3060 Ti can only manage 51 FPS with DLSS quality mode.

In Control at 1080p with high settings and ray tracing on, the RTX 4060 Ti can achieve 65 FPS with DLSS quality mode, while the RTX 3060 Ti can only get 50 FPS with DLSS quality mode. The rasterized performance between the RTX 4060 Ti and the RTX 3060 Ti is neck and neck at higher resolutions like 1440p and 4k due to the narrow memory bandwidth of the RTX 4060 Ti due to a 128-bit bus.

Power Consumption

The power consumption of the RTX 4060 Ti is also lower than that of the RTX 3060 Ti, with a TDP of 160 W for the former and 200 W for the latter. This means that the RTX 4060 Ti is more energy-efficient and generates less heat than the RTX 3060 Ti. The RTX 3060 series owners have no incentive to upgrade to the RTX 4060 series card as the uplift is very marginal but if you are using the older 1060 or the 2060 series cards, upgrading to the RTX 4060 series card would make a significant difference.


In this article, we have reviewed the Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti, a new GPU based on the Ada Lovelace architecture that offers excellent performance at 1080p resolution with ray tracing and high settings. We have compared its specifications, features, performance, and price with its competitors in the market, such as the AMD RX 6700 XT and the Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti. We have concluded that the RTX 4060 Ti is a better overall GPU than the RX 6700 XT and the RTX 3060 Ti for 1080p gaming, offering higher performance, lower power consumption, and more features. However, if you are looking for a GPU with more VRAM or a lower price tag, the RX 6700 XT or the RTX 3060 Ti might be good alternatives.